Thursday, September 22, 2011

About Lisa

My name is Lisa Irby and I’m a full time Webmaster, blogger, affiliate marketer and author of The Perfect Site Guide – your guide to creating a blog or static website.
I have been involved in affiliate marketing since 1998 and working online full time since 2006.
There’s nothing better than earning a living doing something you truly enjoy and having the freedom to live the life you want.

“So You Earn a Full-Time Living Blogging?”

When people find this blog and discover that I make a full-time living online, many automatically assume it’s from this blog.  The truth is, this blog doesn’t make a lot of money.
I make most of my money from my website, 2 Create a Websitethrough affiliate marketing (earning commissions by recommending products and services), AdSense (Google ads), 3rd party sponsor ads and sales of my CSS templates.
2 Create a Website has helped thousands of beginners establish their presence online. I launched it in February, 2002 and it has been going strong ever since.
At the time, there were very few sites that explained the entire website creation process from start to finish and catered to beginners.
My goal was to break down the instructions in laymen’s terms so people wouldn’t feel so overwhelmed and lost in techie speak.
It’s still amazing to me how a very simple site grew into something that has allowed me to work for myself since 2006.  So here I am sharing my advice with the world.
On this blog you’ll find a selection of articles related to creating, promoting and monetizing blogs and websites.  I also do video Site Reviews from time to time so check them out!
You can keep up with this blog by subscribing to its RSS feed orfollowing me on Twitter.  I can also be found chatting it up on YouTube or administering my forum,

About My Success

I’ll be the first to tell you, I’ve made tons of mistakes out here. I still make them. But I’m extremely grateful for every failure because without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
It’s less about the destination and more about the journey.
I created several sites that failed.  Many of them were anonymous sites that attempted to get too much without giving anything of value.
What really turned things around for me was when I focused on genuinely helping others and added the human component to my website.  I wanted people to know there is a real person behind 2 Create a Website.  So I started doing YouTube videos and adding more of a personal touch to my writing.
People began to relate to me in a way they never had before.  It added to my credibility and ultimately my earnings.  I learned that the ability to connect with people is huge when it comes to online business.
All posts at 2 Create a Website (except where noted) are written by Lisa Irby.

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