- 1Click the picture of the tank titled "Units" located in the bottom right corner of the screen. The "Offensive Units" tab will open. Click the picture of the small base titled "Tech Tier 2 Upgrade." In order to make the upgrade you must have five upgrade points at the time of the upgrade. A transparent image of the base will appear over your cursor. Click anywhere in the playing field to place the base. Your engineer units will now begin building the new base upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete you will receive an additional 10 command points. The additional command points will allow you to possess a higher maximum number of units.
- 2Click the picture of the tank titled "Units" located in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select "Infantry." An infantry unit will spawn behind your main base. Click to select the infantry unit. Send the infantry unit into battle against a hostile enemy by locating the enemy using your cursor then right-clicking on it. Once your infantry unit destroys the enemy, a "Tiberium Crystal" will appear. Right-click the crystal to acquire it. Repeat this step until you have acquired nine crystals.
- 3Upgrade the base to "Tech Tier 3." Click the picture of the tank titled "Units" located in the bottom right corner of the screen. The "Offensive Units" tab will open. Click the picture of the large base titled "Tech Tier 3 Upgrade." The base will now automatically begin the upgrade process. After about 30 seconds the upgrade will be complete, and you will be granted an additional 20 command points.
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Tips & Warnings
- Save the five upgrade points you are granted at the start of the game to make upgrades to your main base.
- You will receive an increasing number of command points each time you make an upgrade to your tech tier.
- The game may frequently crash due to a problem within its programming code, so save your game progress every 25 minutes to avoid losing anything.
Here you can get C&C 4: Tiberian Twilight v1.0 +10 TRAINER
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