Location - East Tortuga
Harpoon - Weapon - 13/1
Victory Drop
La Tortuga - Ship - 31/13
Attack Drop
Dual Shark Pistols - Weapon - 15/3
Victory Drop
Shark Cannon - Weapon - 20/5
Location- Tenochtitlan
Attack Drop
Jeweled Cutlass - Weapon - 16/5
Victory Drops
Horned Crossbow - Weapon - 22/7
Golden Goat Helm - Weapon - 7/22
Location - Peking
Attack Drop
Jade Sword - Weapon - 17/7
Victory Drop
Dragon Glider - Weapon - 9/23
Dragon Junk - Ship - 50/45
Attack Drop
Arabian Dagger - Weapon - 18/8
Victory Drops
Location - AtlantisLocation- Tenochtitlan
Attack Drop
Jeweled Cutlass - Weapon - 16/5
Victory Drops
Horned Crossbow - Weapon - 22/7
Golden Goat Helm - Weapon - 7/22
Location - Peking
Attack Drop
Jade Sword - Weapon - 17/7
Victory Drop
Dragon Glider - Weapon - 9/23
Dragon Junk - Ship - 50/45
Location - Barbary
Arabian Dagger - Weapon - 18/8
Victory Drops
Barbary Bombs - Weapon - 23/10
Barbary Cutlass - Weapon - 23/15
Attack Drop
Atlantis Blade - Weapon - 20/10
Victory Drops
Atlantis Warrior Armour - Weapon - 15/25
Atlantis Warrior Cannon - Weapon - 12/21
Atlantis Sub - Ship 70/70
Location - Port Royal
Attack Drops
Pirate Voodoo Doll - Weapon - 22/15
Victory Drops
Sacrificial Sword - Weapon - 26/19
Voodoo Swivel Gun - Weapon - 25/20
Voodoo Spike Club - Weapon - 23/17
Giant Eel
Location - Cartagena
Attack Drops
Electric Eel Whip - Weapon - 27/20
Victory Drops
Eel Spine Cannon - Weapon - 17/26
Scale Glider - Weapon - 28/22
Giant Spear Gun - Weapon -
Eel Guardian - Matey - 20/15
Cursed Pirate
Location - Davy Jones Locker
Attack Drops
Cursed Sword - Weapon
Victory Drops
Cursed Hook - Weapon
Cursed Galleon - Ship
Cursed Buccaneer - Matey
Cursed Blunderbuss - Weapon
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